
NB : This schedule is subject to change

  • Class 1 – Jan 26
    • Intros / Housekeeping
    • What is code? Why should I care about it?
    • Why creative?
    • Tools
      • Processing
      • p5.js
      • openprocessing
      • github
    • coordinates, drawing primitives
  • Class 2 – Feb 2
    • Review homework
    • Variables
    • Interaction, movement, random, println, transformations?
  • Class 3 – Feb 9
    • Presentations by Cesar & Eric
    • review homework
    • animation
    • lazy programming
      • loops
      • conditionals
  • Class 4 – Feb 16
    •  Presentations by Allen & Shyam
    • review homework
    • functions & objects
    • midterm introduction
  • Class 5 – Feb 23
    • Presentations by Ahmed R & Leah
    • review  homework
    • arrays
    • gui and interfaces
  • Class 6 – Mar 2
    • present midterms
  • Class 7 – Mar 9
    • Presentations by Ahmed S & Carolyn
    • javascript. forget everything you know
    • text editors, local servers
    • noise, texture
  • Class 8 – Mar 23
    • Presentations by Kamau & SangDoo
    • working with text, strings
    • APIs, networks, JSON
  • Class 9 – Mar 30
    • Presentations by Michael & Yuening
    • review work
    • video and images, libraries
  • Class 10 – Apr 6
    • Presentations by Morgan & Caleb
    • Using the DOM in p5js
    • review work
  • Class 11 – Apr 13
    • Presentations by Jei & ???
    • Review work
    • telecommunication, adding a micro-controller into the mix
    • final project proposal
  • Class 12 – Apr 20
  • Class 13 – Apr 27
    • final project reality check and omg wtf is it the end already?
  • Class 14 – May 4
    • final project presentation