Final Project – Shyam Mehta

For the final project, I would like to elaborate on one of my earlier sketches that was based on the work of Stan Vanderbeek and and Ken Knowlton.  I am interested in the use of, at this point, Processing over p5.js, and the visualization of sound in connection with music. Earlier this semester I created a sketch that used the mouse input and keys to create a randomization of colors on a “DJ Set”.  However, I would like to use that as a basis to build so much more. What I am currently thinking is that I will have an input for the user to pick a mood (approximately 3-5 choices). Based on the mood, a certain preloaded song will begin to play along with colors on the screen to coincide with the music.  I will randomize the colors so their pattern will correspond to the volume of the music. Additionally, the colors will represent the mood. For example, if mood is calm, I will have light blues, and other mutes colors. On the other hand, if the mood is party/energized, I will have bright colors with a complete randomization of orange, red, purple, yellow, etc.  I am not totally sure about how I will have the screen setup, but I would like it to, again, represent the mood selected by the user. The goal of this project is to create some kind of background the user could keep running depending on the mood. (i.e. a tranquil background setting for calm, or crazy random lights to keep on at a party)

Final Project Outline

My project is a game of “wack a mole” using processing. To achieve this, my code will basically be a giant loop. The logic of the game will depend around three main classes:

  1. Score: missed, time, round
  2. Holes
  3. Hammer

The goal for this first part is to have the “Hole” Boolean controlled based on “time”, “Hammer” and have it be true or false for a number of seconds chosen at random from within an interval each time.

Ultimately, I would like to link the first part to score keeping and timed intervals using loops. See the image for more logic detail.

Final Project

For my final project, I want to stick with my idea of creating a game that teaches kids how to recycle, except it will be slightly more interactive than an online flash game. The main character will be a sloth that can move across the screen from left to right, controlled by the user. 3 bins – trash, recycling, and compost – are on the bottom of the screen. Throughout the game, a random object will be given to the user, who has to decide which bin it goes into. For example, if the item is a water bottle, it should go into the recycling bin, and if the user does that correctly, the score counter increases by one. If it’s wrong, there will be an indication in the sketch that the object was dropped in the wrong bin. To make this sketch, I’ll be using serial communication between Arduino and Processing. The Arduino will have 3 inputs: 2 buttons and a PIR motion sensor. The buttons will move the sloth either left or right, and activating the motion sensor will drop the object into the bin. I’ll also be using the sprite library in Processing to animate the sloth when doing certain actions, such as opening his hands when dropping an object or being annoyed if he gets one wrong.

Interface design for clarification:

Final Project

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all doing well.

For my final project, I have no idea what I want to do.

That being said, I do have some libraries that I want to use for the project. I want to use the Camera features as well as the audio libraries of either processing or p5js to create an animation that incorporates sound and video to generate itself. I don’t know if  I want the animation to be interactive or not, but I want to leave the user with amazement on their face. I want to get creative with this project incorporating different physics libraries as well. I am currently inspired by working with algorithms and data so I just need to think about how I will incorporate different algorithms into my animation.



Final Inspiration

For my final, I definitely want to do something related to sound and music. A little more specifically, I want to make a sketch where the user can draw shapes which will produce sounds depending on various aspects of the shape.  The shapes might be able to interact with each other, and that will create sound as well. I love the idea of combining drawing and music, and I definitely want to explore this further in my project. The website I took inspiration from affords the user the ability to create patterns which repeat, and can combine to make something musical. The user can choose notes and type of notes, but I am not sure I want to include this in my project due to complexity, but ideally I will. I really want to make something that anyone can get lost in and maybe even make something that sounds like a fully-fleshed out song. For this I might have to use sound libraries and libraries for drawing elements, perhaps mapping characteristics to particular frequencies and timbres.

Final Project Inspo

I’m not exactly sure what I want to do for my final project, but I would love to work with music. I really liked the presentations on Rob Clouth and Casey Reas, and I think it would be really cool to do some kind of music video/coding combination, where the code will interact with the music and create some kind of visualization on the screen. I’m not sure what form the visualization will take on; it could be similar to Clouth where he’d make shapes and designs on screen, or similar to Reas where he alters the video footage itself, or even both. My other worry is that I possibly also want some kind of interactivity on the audience’s part instead of them just watching the screen. I think this interactivity will add another dimension to the piece, as it’s very easy to walk past/click away from a video with visualizations otherwise. Maybe the audience will make the music?

This sketch inspired me regarding interactivity:

Reas’ music video inspired me regarding video manipulation:

Final Inspiration

For my final, I want to create a video game. For my midterm, I was halfway complete but it wasn’t enough. I want to figure out how to make a bow and arrow shooter game in processing. I’ve seen many attempts at bow and arrow structure but never a full-fledged game. So I plan to do that, I drew some inspiration from a game I saw on open processing which is a complete copy of the old brick breaking game a lot of people used to play in their blackberries. I checked the code for that game and learned how to make object bounce until it hits its intended goal. Which I can use the bow and arrow game to only do something when it hits its intended target and maybe do nothing or bounce off when it doesn’t. If I find more similar examples I feel as if I could accomplish my bow and arrow game. I also saw some processing sketch on a bow and arrow shooting maybe this will help me understand how I should make the mechanics of my game. Im also excited for the use of the DOM library I feel there’s a lot of possibilities from that as well. Maybe I can add in buttons or sound to my game which would make it a real game if it has those features.

Brick Breaking game I drew inspiration from:


Final Project Inspiration

For my project, I’d like to create a game using p5.scenemanager. I don’t want it to be linear with only one path you can take… I want the choices you make to determine how you progress through the game. This is inspired by a video game called “Until Dawn”. It’s a horror game where the player is given choices throughout the game and each choice has some sort of butterfly effect. There are many different endings you can get in the game.


I love the concept of this game, although making all of the visuals could be a pain. I want the visuals to be minimal so that I can focus on the different choices and outcomes that the player can make. I want a style similar to the mobile game called “A Dark Room”. This game is really fun because of the mysterious story line, even though the visuals are very minimal.

I’m not sure exactly how much I could do with p5.scenemanager, but I’m excited to try it out.

Final Project

For the final project, I want to create a sound visualization. I have been watching many videos of sound visualization done through Processing since earlier this semester and now I am confident enough to give it a try. Since I am not a music person, I will stick to visualizing frequency and amplitude of the sound, but this thought might change after further research. Sound visualization and analysis can be done through p5 sound library but gibber.js also seems like an awesome library to play around with. With gibber I can make drumbeat of my own and make a visualization of that.

Here is an introduction video of gibber. As you can see, you can easily connect sound with 2D or 3D objects.

I really like the video above because it has the aesthetics that I might want to try. I am not sure about other elements that are floating around, but a visualization with a circular center is similar to what I want to create.