Week 5 – Arrays && Collisions && GUI

In-class outline

  •  Arrays
    • What are they?
      • how are they represented in a machine
    • How to declare them
    • Initialize them (a couple ways)
    • Operating on an array
      • the slow way
      • the fast way with loops
      • example of mouse trails
    • Arrays of objects
      • many squares example
  • Interactive objects
    • overlap/hit detection – sliders
    • collision with circles

Week 2

Today we’ll be doing the following

  • Homework review/check-in. What was difficult, what worked, where were your pain points?
  • Reading discussion (if time)
  • Research project discussion & date picking
  • setup & draw revisited – flow, events
  • mouseX & mouseY, pmouseX, pMouseY
  • width/height
  • println
  • variables & types : int, float, boolean, char, color
  • easing
  • mousePressed
  • keyPressed
  • random
  • map
  • translate
  • bezier fuckery

Code from today’s class