Final 5/4 – Shyam Mehta

For the final, I ended up creating pretty much what I had in mind.  While I was unsure if I wanted to use, p5.js or Processing, I went with p5.js, but that proved to be a little bit of an issue towards the end as I am more familiar with the random function in Processing over p5.js.  I wanted to create something a user could keep running in the background, say after a day or work or school.  Differently, I would have created more randomization of color especially for the “Partying” portion.

Final Project – Shyam Mehta

For the final project, I would like to elaborate on one of my earlier sketches that was based on the work of Stan Vanderbeek and and Ken Knowlton.  I am interested in the use of, at this point, Processing over p5.js, and the visualization of sound in connection with music. Earlier this semester I created a sketch that used the mouse input and keys to create a randomization of colors on a “DJ Set”.  However, I would like to use that as a basis to build so much more. What I am currently thinking is that I will have an input for the user to pick a mood (approximately 3-5 choices). Based on the mood, a certain preloaded song will begin to play along with colors on the screen to coincide with the music.  I will randomize the colors so their pattern will correspond to the volume of the music. Additionally, the colors will represent the mood. For example, if mood is calm, I will have light blues, and other mutes colors. On the other hand, if the mood is party/energized, I will have bright colors with a complete randomization of orange, red, purple, yellow, etc.  I am not totally sure about how I will have the screen setup, but I would like it to, again, represent the mood selected by the user. The goal of this project is to create some kind of background the user could keep running depending on the mood. (i.e. a tranquil background setting for calm, or crazy random lights to keep on at a party)

Data Sketch – Shyam Mehta

This project allowed me to think about how I could incorporate my own interests into the code. However, I had trouble working with p5.js on my computer. I understand how the code needs to be written, but was unsure if my API was working or not. I tried multiple API’s yet there was no change. When I settled on the Bitcoin API, I tried multiple approaches but still couldn’t figure out how to get the code to print.  I still felt like this project was interesting and hope I can figure out what was wrong after today’s class.

Midterm Project 2

For this project, I drew inspiration from my earlier Research Project on Stan Vanderbeek and Ken Knowlton. While not to the extent of their work, I wanted to produce the lighting backdrop for a DJ’s stage.

Initially, I wanted to pan the “lights” according to the mouse position on the x-axis and music as an input for the y-axis of lights. Instead, however, I used keypresses and mouse click to randomize the light. More so, the mouse-pos produces a sphere that resets with each mouse click. The mouse click also allows for small squares to be drawn in an effort to show the random lights a DJ stage would have during a show. I wanted both a mouse click and mouse press to randomize lights because it allows for quicker changes that help to create a more realistic DJ light thematic.

I ran into issues with the for loops and using specific transformations for one loop, but instead it changed for all. One aspect I would like to still add is the planning of the mouse since I think that would allow for more user engagement.

Midterm Project

The inspiration for my midterm project comes from the research I did for the Research Project.  Using the work of Stan Vanderbeek and Ken Knowlton, I want to use bright, contrasting, and flashing colors to simulate and Electronic Dance Music (EDM) stage backdrop.

While I would ideally like to have the stage be mapped to an input of sound, for now I will use the keyboard and mouse.  The stage will light up according the the height of the mouse on the y-coordinate and change colors according to keys pressed. I will need to create objects and loops to print ellipses, and functions and loops in order to create the flashing and fluid motions of the colors as the user moves the mouse.

The goal of the project is to mimic the screens present at a music festival with flashings lights, whose position on the screen is based on the mouse’s locations, and colors are based on key presses.  The lights will also stretch to the location of the mount giving it a rising mountain peak look with flashing colors.     

Research Project

I focused this project on the “Poem Field” series done by Stan Vanderbeek and Ken Knowlton.  Vanderbeek, whose education had been in art and architecture, and Knowlton, who was a programmer, were connected through the EAT or the Experiment Art and Technology organization to collaborate on a project.   

Before their collaboration in the late 1960s, Knowlton had created an 8-bit graphic programming language called BEFLIX.  This was the first program of its kind, and arranged grayscale pixels into a grid to create animations.

After Vanderbeek and Knowlton met, they worked on a series of projects from 1964-1968.  It is said that their collaboration was difficult, and of the work they did, only some was completed through 1971.  However, the work they did finish is fantastic.  Specifically, Poem Field #2 is a perfect representation of a “computer generated acid trip.”

Their work introduced objects to the screen in blocks that allowed for patterns to be created through its interactions with other patterns.  That is to say, this animation did not focus on the movement of objects but rather the accumulation of objects on the screen.  

What I found interesting is this technique of how animation is created through the layering of images rather than trying to replicate motion.  Poem Field is created using overlapping collages to create animation.          

Although it seems very distant, this technology is still very relevant today.  Sticking with the “acid trip” theme that Poem Field #2, the kind of graphics pioneered by Vanderbeek and Knowlton are replicated today in Electronic Dance Music or EDM.  EDM artists are always using crazy graphics and lighting with their music creating new techniques just like Vanderbeek and Knowlton.


I also found this excerpt by Vanderbeek to relate to the video below on how EDM DJ’s are mapping lights to their body movements and music:

Pictures can be thought of as an array of spots of different shades of gray. The computer keeps a complete “map” of the picture as the spots are turned on and off. The programmer instructs the system to “draw” lines, arcs, lettering. He can also invoke operations on entire areas with instructions for copying, shifting, transliterating, zooming, and dissolving and filling areas. [Stan VanDerBeek. “New Talent—The Computer” in Art in America, vol. 58 (1970) p. 91.]

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