Principles of Animation

In this animation sketch, I attempted to apply the principles of solid animation by incorporating a “weight” aspect to an object. And so, the ball in my sketch bounces until gravity makes it stops bouncing. I knew from the outset that I would be exclusively manipulating the y variable, but I had some trouble understanding the “gravity” element of the sketch. I looked up some tutorials on Youtube/Processing site about manipulating object speed, and used our class notes to finally understand how to get the ball to eventually stop. For example, at times the ball would stick to the end of the screen/sketch’s floor, and it was due to miscalculating positive/negative direction, which was similar to the problem we encountered in a class exercise last week.

Link to sketch:


Drawing the portrait was overall easy to do, and I tried to incorporate shapes in the portrait that would be easier to translate into Processing. Constructing the self-portrait in Processing was more difficult and also a long a process; I especially struggled with manipulating arcs. A lot of the process was also spent punching in numbers, checking to see the output, and adjusting accordingly. I probably should have planned or calculated my measurements from the start instead of guessing-and-checking, and so the measurements may be off/asymmetrical. While it was easy to draw in shapes and color them in on the paper, it was harder to fill in shapes in Processing, especially ones that were comprised of arcs.

Link to sketch: