- Send in your Question of the Day on Slack (this is due before you leave class on Friday!)
- Create a sketch that generates a random face with a mouse press or key press. Add it to openprocessing Week 2 – My Random Face. Can you add interactive elements? Like eyes that follow the mouse? or a tongue that moves around?
- Create a sketch that demonstrates an interaction with the mouse and two or more elements on the screen. For example, balls that move in opposite directions and are afraid of each other, or a drawing machine of some sort. For this assignment, work in pairs. Together, you should figure out what the control mechanism is, then each of you implement an interactive element. One of you should post it on openprocessing, and add it to Week 2 – Interaction. Both of you write a blog post about it and link to your shared sketch.
- Write a blog post about your interactive sketch. What was successful, what did you find to be limiting?
- Read Zach Lieberman’s “Lessons for Students” You’re welcome to write a post about it, but you aren’t required to. However, think about what he says, is this how you engage in your education? If not, why?
- Towards the end of the article, he refers to a book “The Art Of Computer Designing: A Black and White Approach” It may be worth looking in there for inspiration.
- Watch Casey Reas’ talk on chance operations. What do you think of randomness?
Additional resources