Final Project

Your final project is wide open. This is your opportunity to create an artwork that leverages the various tools, techniques, and ideas we have explored throughout the semester. This includes interaction, data, design, computer vision, interfaces, games, or any number of alternative forms of expression. You should create work that is engaging and compelling for your audience. Use this as an excuse to ask a question using computation, or to scratch an itch you’ve always wanted to explore.

You will present your work to the class on Friday May 4. Your code is also due at this time. This presentation is more formal than the midterm in that you should be able to reference other works that serve as inspirations as well as identify aspects in which your work differs. You should also be able to identify areas of improvement or make gestures towards future avenues of research.

You code must be well commented, indicating what each part does. If you are using any examples, publically available code, or templates, you must identify where it came from in addition to what its functionality is.

Consult with me if you have questions about the scope or appropriateness of your idea.

You have some benchmarks for the final project as well.
April 21 : Clear articulation of idea and a basic outline of the structure of your code. You need to write a blog post stating your intention for the project, and how you think you will complete it.
April 28 : You must show a working prototype in class. Not all the functionality must be included, but we need to see the basic idea presented. Your blog post needs to indicate what you have already accomplished and what is outstanding.
May 4 : Final project due, including a post that describes what you finally wound up with. You must include documentation of the work if it is not viewable online, and provide a link to your code.

You do not have to present this work through openprocessing, but your code must be publically available. You need to show documentation of the piece (screen recordings, or the Processing movie maker work well).

You may use p5js or Processing for this assignment, your choice.