Chapter 10+11

While I do feel proud of how far I’ve come in my understanding of computation and coding as a whole, I’m exited to focus more in my free time and use this increased confidence to expand my understanding of how to apply coding to my own artistic interests.

Reading chapters 10+11 gave interesting insight into a more structured approach to coding than I had used in the past. It’s fascinating to see how computation simultaneously agrees and conflicts with my natural and learned ways of thinking as an artist. I’ve always veered away from a concrete structure at the start of any project due to a fear that it would stifle the possibility of improvisation. However I now feel as though it would be far more beneficial in terms of keeping track of the code and various structures at work. Chapter 11 also yielded a lot of guidance, some of which I’d previously applied by asking a friend of mine for help on my midterm. I find myself debugging projects most of the time, but the puzzle-like nature of computation makes is what makes it a really interesting and engaging exercise for me, even when its frustrating.