Midterm Part 1

For my midterm project, I am attempting to make an interactive portrait of the city in 3D. The idea is that the user can control the time of day through sliding the mouse from left to right (left is day, right is night). The sun eventually turns into the moon as the day ends. The user is able to create buildings by clicking, as well as streetlights by pressing a key. At the moment these functionalities have not been implemented, as I still need to create the building and streetlight class. I also would like to create clouds for the daytime and stars for the night. I drew inspiration from this sketch, this sketch, and this sketch on open processing. I have been very interested in perspective drawing lately and felt that this would be an interesting opportunity to try perspective drawing through code. I will most likely be using arrays to create star and cloud objects. I have never made anything in 3D before, so will need to learn how to render all of the shapes in 3D, as well as how to light the scene to give it more of a sense of depth. The most challenging part of this will most likely be giving the user freedom to create the buildings where they would like to, and it still looking right. Because it is a perspective drawing, the scale/size of the buildings will be different based on where they click. At the moment I plan on only allowing control in the x direction as to where the building is and the rest will be done by the computer. My code isn’t functioning correctly in open processing as it is in Processing, but here is the link:
