Week 2 — Interactive

I know this was supposed to be a partner assignment, but I emailed 5 different people from class and could not find a partner. Instead, I did it myself!

The most challenging part of this assignment was honestly just learning how to do it. I watched many hours of YouTube tutorials, including but not limited to the ones you linked us to. I still couldn’t figure out how to get objects to move in reaction to each other. That was a bigger problem in the face assignment, when I tried to make pupils move around the eye and ended up having them roam around the entire background.

Unlike the other two assignments, it was hard for me to come up with a concrete vision for this sketch. I ended up thinking about randomized color. I’m a huge fan of using color to tell a visual story, and there was something interesting to me about a completely randomized color palette. I’m not super happy with how it turned out, but it was an interesting process.

You draw by moving your mouse around, and the stroke picks random shades between 0-255. Random ellipses are generated constantly, with random colors and strokes. And every time you click, the background becomes a new color.
