Final Project

For my final sketch, I wanted to create a music visualizer that the audience could also add sounds to. As the project progressed, I got carried away making the visuals and due to the lack of time I opted out of preloading sounds that the audience could activate by pushing the keys on the keyboard. However, that is something I would like to explore in the future, especially in a way that would have the audience add something that doesn’t sound “bad” to the music.

My final sketch consists of a title screen window with “stars” dotting the screen and a button that starts the song. When the song starts, it turns on the computer’s camera and the subsequent visualizations would consist of video manipulation or added elements to the screen in time with the song. And so, for this project I used p5.js’ DOM and sound libraries. The visualizations includes changing the video’s color, adding lyrics, adding a “static” effect, adding a “glitch” effect, adding a “lag” effect, adding a zoom effect, adding a pixel effect, and adding a pixel/grayscale/moving effect.  Unfortunately, I was ultimately unable to connect all the pieces of my project into one sketch; I had trouble connecting the video manipulations but I was able to successfully include the added elements like color, static, and lyrics. While I am disappointed I was unable to fully realize my project, I’m glad that I was able to successfully create each video effect individually and independent of one another. I really enjoyed creating these sketches and was able to explore video manipulation in depth and in creative ways; in the future, I would definitely like to be able to connect all of the sketches together into one piece and to also continue to create sketches alongside music and further explore the different visualizations I can make!

Link to final sketch:

Link to individual video effects: (tint), (lyrics), (zoom), (lag), (pixelates), (glitch), (static), (movement)