p5js Library

While on the p5js website, I found the dimensions library extremely interesting because it allows you to expand beyond the three dimensions typically found in p5js. The library expands the vector functions of p5js to make the dimensions work. On the p5js website and under the dimensions library, there is a picture of the square that seems to have multiple dimensions and that’s what peaked my interest initially. I think it would be challenging, but fun to work with multiple dimensions beyond the three we typically work with. In processing, working in 3D was confusing, but I think a lot of cool sketches could be made just by fooling around and changing the variables and the number of dimensions. I would potentially want to make a sketch that somewhat mirrors the galaxy because when I think of dimensions, I think of space; I would want to experiment with the effects and functions of the library to see if I could make a similar effect.



One P5.js library I am interested in using is p5.dom. p5.dom lets you interact  with HTML5 objects beyond the canvas, including video, audio, webcam, input, and text. One of the reasons that I initially came to NYU as a Computer Science Major was because I was drawn by the reach of CS; that something I could do from one computer could potentially reach millions of people over time. It’s always been about reach for me, and really maximizing my efforts. This is partly why I’m more inclined to use p5.js which allows you to display and interact with your work online, much easier than Processing because its written in JavaScript instead of Java. Based on what drew me into CS in the first place, the concept of libraries is really interesting because it introduces the potential to get even more from the code that I’m writing. I see myself continuing to code beyond this class, and even beyond college into my adult life, and the way I envision it is not through heavy backend that doesn’t really see the light of day, but through creating art and being able to share it with people. I’m taking Intro to Web next semester and I’m very excited by the potential of being able to use what I’ve learned in p5.js, as well as the library p5.dom to compliment the work that I’m doing in that class.


I was looking through the libraries on the p5.js website and was having a hard time deciding between p5.bots and p5.play. I am really interested in working with Arduino, controlling sensors, motors, and LEDs, but I also love to illustrate and animate, which is why I think I want to work with p5.play. I’ve always been interested in animation/game development, and would really like to create a game in the future with this library.

Research Project- Rob Clouth

Rob Clouth is an electronic musician, sound designer, and new media artist based in Barcelona. Clouth makes a mix between techno music and IDM (intelligent dance music).

He uses various forms of programming to create his music. He uses sound painting, which means he sculpts sounds by painting their spectrums using a digitizer. I think this is cool, because it’s almost like reverse sound-making, because usually a sound is represented by a sound spectrum, rather than the spectrum being created first.

Clouth also carries around different microphones, just in case he hears a sound he wants to use in his music. He uses deep-ear binaural mics, waterproofed contact mics (I guess for recording sounds underwater), and a coil mic that picks up electromagnetic fields of electronic devices. I think it’s cool how he carries microphones around, similar to how a photographer carries a camera and lenses.

The video above is a piece form Clouth called ‘Islands of Glass’. I personally love how the visuals interact with what is going on in his music. I’m not sure how the visuals were made for this video, but Clouth has recently created another piece called ‘Transition’, which is shown in the video below. In this piece, Couth generates the audio with an algorithm that he wrote to scan through his music collection in date-order. The algorithm takes little slices of audio from each track and stitches them together to form one continuous mix. I like this piece, because the visuals were inspired by the growth rings on trees. Clouth loves how trees encode their own history with these rings, as well as the history of its surroundings.

I love how Rob Clouth combines audio and visuals so well. All of his videos are mesmerizing, and the audio is very unique. You can check out some of his other pieces on his website:





Research Project — Daniel Rozin

Daniel Rozin is an Israeli-American artist based in New York. He studied industrial design at the Bezalei Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem, before entering the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU 10 years later. In this program, Rozin learned how to be creative with technology by means of programming and electronics. From technology, Rozin found the creativity to be an artist and he now works in the field of interactive digital art.

Rozin’s work is primarily composed of installations and sculptures that respond to the presence of a viewer. He uses various mediums to create art, from pure software to electronics to static and kinetic sculpture. Oftentimes, the viewer becomes the contents of the piece, as Rozin explained in an interview with Leaders in Software and Art, “The artist creates the premise and the parameters of interaction, the artist’s responsibility is to imagine almost all possible interactions and see that those would yield an acceptable result. It is important for the interactive artist to leave a big chunk of the piece open to interactivity so that the viewer can really change the piece and feel ownership over it.”

The piece above is from Rozin’s “Mechanical Mirrors” series. In this particular piece, he explores the intersection of soft materials and mechanics, but the series uses various materials to act as the mirrors. According to Co.Design, Rozin creates these mirrors by using custom-built software written in C++ that translates data from a camera into simplified pixels, which play across the face of his sculptures in near real time. Interestingly, none of the technology he uses in this series is in the viewer’s line of sight.

I especially like this series, because I think it playfully accomplishes Rozin’s mission of closing the gap between technology and humans, as he said in an interview, “Nowadays we are exposed to a lot of technological wizardry and don’t think twice about it, in fact we have given up on trying to understand it…I try to make technological devices that are simple to understand and rely on our intuition rather than defy it.”

In other works, Rozin continues to explore mirror concepts, since he stated in numerous interviews that his main interest in his art is to explore the way we view the world and create images in our mind; mirrors seem to exemplify this concept.

His website

His Vimeo

Working with Data

Hello everyone,

I hope this post finds you well.

For my assignment on data, I decided to look for my own API and my experience was both rewarding and stressful to say the least. To begin I wanted to say that there are certain APIs online that should be avoided to recoded because of lacking documentation. I decided to work with the following API:


Prior to working with this, I tried using Instagram’s API for generating a random image but I felt that it had been done countless times. For my project, I used the API that I found to generate a Donald Trump in a somewhat random manner. Every time the user clicks the mouse, a new trump quote will appear. I wanted to work with the GIPHY API as well and some of the comments may reflect that but I had some trouble making two APIs work. My final goal is to be able to generate a random Trump Gif with a random Trump quote just for the sake of banter. As soon as I get both to work, I will update my sketch.

Thank you for your time and see you all on Friday!


My Sketch: