Final Update

For my final, I have finally decided to create a bird finder game, where you identify birds by their sound. The basic idea behind this is that a guide will tell you what bird to look out for and then you try to listen for it. If you do hear the bird you press a buzzer or a key on the keyboard that’s how you get points, if you dont press it at the correct time you lose.   I have created the start menu and instruction menu. These menus have clickable buttons which take you to the next scene. I have also created a timer to which is extremely useful in the creation of this game.  Once the game scene is loaded I have created all the sounds for how the game is going to sound. now I have some of the files left. I am now working on getting the buzzer to work and creating the scenarios of if it is missed and if you hit the buzzer correctly. Once I have those two things done the rest should be easy. The final thing I would have to implement is a reset button if they lose and want to get a higher score and maybe a level system of easy, medium and hard.