Final Project Update

For my final project, I have a title scene before entering the music visualizer. I’m using scene manager to switch between these two screen, and it worked until I started coding more complex elements in my music visualizer scene. Once I write code in the music visualizer scene, sceneManager “breaks” altogether. In my music visualizer scene, I’m using the computer’s camera to record the viewer. I’ve written a few elements to alter the viewer’s appearance through the camera/pixels, but I’m having trouble getting them to work alongside sceneManager and potentially the song itself, but I’m not sure yet because sceneManager breaks before I can see what happens on screen. I can add/change basic elements, such as the background color altering or objects moving in time to the music, but manipulating the camera’s footage seems to be giving me the most problems. I also have yet to add sound that the audience can interact with, but I plan to preload sounds into the keys on the computer so the audience can press them to produce sounds.