Final Project Update

For my final project, virtual pet game, I have made up to the timer part.
I used millis() to calculate time on when a certain text should appear. I also implemented all the graphics the is in the game. I figured out a score system where each two points makes the pet “grow.”

One problem I ran to was not my code but my computer and the program. I have been having a lot of issues with my computer and many times it force quits all my applications I’m running, including Chrome. So It happened again where my computer force quitted while my tab with my project I was working on. And for some reason I cannot restore.

But since I already accomplished and figured out how to do timer, doing it again shouldn’t take that long. One more big component I need to add is the interactive part of the game, where the user can feed and play with the pet.
If I am feeling ambitious with time, I want to add a feature where the user can take a picture with their pet. I would have to do this by calling the webcam and placing the pet in the frame.