Final project 4/28

For my final project, I’m making a game that teaches people how to recycle. So far, I’ve finished the physical circuit that includes the microcontroller, some buttons, wires, and a lot of other components. The Arduino code is also done. In processing, I’ve added many visuals, including the main sloth character that the user controls, the table, the bins, the background and more. I’ve also implemented the score function – if the garbage object is dropped into the correct bin, then the score will go up by one. However, there are definitely still some things I need to work out. Currently, if the object is not dropped into the correct bin, the program doesn’t really register this. So, I need to add something that allows the user to see that they’ve dropped the object into the wrong bin. Although the core functionality of the program is there, I’d also like to add some animations. First, I want the sloth’s hands to open up when he’s dropping the object. If the object is dropped into the correct bin, I want the sloth to be happy; if it’s in the wrong bin, I want him to be angry. If I have time, I would really like to implement a timer, in which the user only has 5 seconds to decide which bin the object goes into, and if time runs out, then it counts as wrong.