Final Project (4/27)

So far, I have almost all elements, both audio and visual, that I will be including in my final piece. I was worried about composing a collection of sound (I don’t want to call it music) from scratch because I don’t have any experience in electronic music, audio engineering or composing. gibber has many presets that are based on electronic music terminology and numbers, but I was able to understand them enough to come up with something that I envisioned: a sad dreamy sound with psychedelic visual. Tomorrow in class, I will only be able to show half of the whole project, because now my biggest task is to integrate all the components together and this is what I have so far in terms of putting things together. Since this code best works when it is executed line by line, I will have to decide what comes after another and what turns off and on at certain points during the live coding performance. I have to integrate 4 other audio components that include samples from Freesound API, a major visual transition, and an ending.