Final Project- Part 1

So for this week I spent the time coming up with the story line for the interactive game I want to create. I wrote a narrative, and drew a map of the different decisions the user will be able to make. I decided on creating four different endings that the player will be able to get. I haven’t started the code yet, but depending on how quickly I finish the p5.scenemanager aspect of the code, I might be able to add more endings to the story. For the the next week I want to focus on the basic map of the code. I want to add buttons and to incorporate p5.scenemanager to switch scenes depending on what the user presses. During the final week I will work more on the visual aspect of the game/story…adding color, fancy text, and maybe even images of the characters, or even sound effects.

I’ll bring the sketchbook with the map of my story line to class tomorrow!