Final Project

For my final project, I will be using the google maps API to create an interactive map in which people are able to find and sign up to attend the closest dinner party to them. I’m going to stylize the map, so that it doesn’t look as cluttered and only shows the things I think are most important. I will be creating markers for the Dinner Parties in order to show where the locations are. I also want to request the user’s location, to help them find the closest dinner party to them. Once they find one that they’d like to sign up for, they can put in their information and an email will be sent out to the dinner party hosts so that they can reach out to the person and know to be expecting them at the next dinner party. I will utilize the following libraries to bring this to life: p5.dom, p5.gui, and p5.geolocation. The end goal of this project, beyond this class is to bring this into actual use, integrated into a website, but for this project I will most likely be writing it in open processing and using fake data until it’s functioning properly and I know that it’s secure.