Final Project

I have the general setup for my final project; I want to allow the viewer to create the solar system, but I haven’t figured out all the details. So far, I have created two home screens; one where the user enters their name and then another one that greets them and tells them the big bang happened and they are going to create the universe. I have all the planets drawn as well and I’m trying to figure out how to use the boxClicked() function to allow the user to create and destroy a planet. I also want to have a button that destroys the universe where a black hole comes and sucks everything up. I am still figuring out all the details because I definitely want to add more. Ideally, I would also add rotation and movement to the sketch to accurately show how planets move. I haven’t decided if I’m going to use the 3d dimensions library because I had difficulty downloading it. By next week I plan to have all the buttons working and hopefully add in some rotation to the planets.