Final Project

For my final project, I want to stick with my idea of creating a game that teaches kids how to recycle, except it will be slightly more interactive than an online flash game. The main character will be a sloth that can move across the screen from left to right, controlled by the user. 3 bins – trash, recycling, and compost – are on the bottom of the screen. Throughout the game, a random object will be given to the user, who has to decide which bin it goes into. For example, if the item is a water bottle, it should go into the recycling bin, and if the user does that correctly, the score counter increases by one. If it’s wrong, there will be an indication in the sketch that the object was dropped in the wrong bin. To make this sketch, I’ll be using serial communication between Arduino and Processing. The Arduino will have 3 inputs: 2 buttons and a PIR motion sensor. The buttons will move the sloth either left or right, and activating the motion sensor will drop the object into the bin. I’ll also be using the sprite library in Processing to animate the sloth when doing certain actions, such as opening his hands when dropping an object or being annoyed if he gets one wrong.

Interface design for clarification: