Final Project Inspiration

For my final project, I’m thinking of creating an interactive sketch where the user creates their own solar system.Using a drop down menu, someone can choose the amount of planets that are in the sky and then there would be a slider to control the color of a certain amount of planets. I plan to use the DOM library to make it easier for the user to build up and destroy the solar system. It would also be interesting to have a button that represents a black hole that destroys that the solar system. I think the most challenging part will be allowing the user to control the amount of planets and then generating them to interact and rotate as a solar system. I think the initial sketch will have a rotating sun in the center. I don’t know if I’m going to work in 3D; I will first try to get the basics of the sketch down before I attempt to go into 3D.

I really like the sketch linked. It is not interactive, but I liked how they formatted the solar system so that it looks like the planets are moving, but they don’t have the normal movement look that most solar system sketches have. This could be an approach that I could try rather than have something like: Ideally, I would like to combine the two designs and then allow the user to interact with the sketch.