Final Project Inspiration

For my final project, I want to use the p5js library to make a game. I don’t have an concrete idea about what exactly I’d like to make, but I think I want to create a game that teaches children how to recycle. I found a sketch on openprocessing, a pong game that someone created using Basically, it works like traditional pong, where there are 2 paddles on either side and a ball bouncing from side to side, except in this sketch the user controls both paddles and tries to get as many hits as possible. I think this is a great example of a game created with, and there a couple elements in it that I can see myself incorporating into my own game. For example, the paddles are mapped to the mouse, so they followed the mouse up and down no matter where it is on the x-axis. For my game, I want to have a character in the middle who is mapped to the mouse, so that the character is able to move from side to side and drop items into either a trash, recycling, or compost bin. I also really like the simplicity of the pong game, as there aren’t too many interactive elements that might confuse the user. I want to employ the same simplicity into my own sketch, but also make it visually appealing and fun to interact with. Similar to the hit counter in the middle of the pong sketch, I’ll probably try to create some sort of counter to keep track of points when the user puts an item in the correct bin.

For my project, I’ve started looking through some examples on the website, and think I’ll have to create some sprite animations for the final result. So, when I actually start creating my game, I’ll first have to figure out which parts need to be animated so I can draw those first, and then start the coding process, which I still haven’t quite thought through.

Pong sketch:
