p5.js Data

My sketch is based on Studio Ghibli API, which is one of the public APIs from the github page. I also looked into few other APIs under the topic of games (Rick and Morty and Amiibos), but I had difficulty loading the JSON from these APIs. At first I thought this was because different APIs need different call functions(?). The descriptions of the APIs talked about GET HTTP or REST calls and etc. that I couldn’t quite understand. All of the APIs that I was interested in did not load at first, so I found httpGet() from p5.js reference page and used this example to successfully load the Ghibli API (other datas did not work with this), although I don’t understand the syntax.

My sketch isn’t anything cool with animated shapes, but it pulls title, description and rt_score from the data and allows the user to look through different Ghibli films with a mouse click (it would have been nice if the data included image urls as well).

Ghibli Sketch

Today, after Alex’s slack message, I tried using console.log() instead of prinln() and Rick and Morty data started to work. However, now I am faced with another problem of not being able to load the image from this data. If I preload a specific image url from the data it works, but I cannot figure out how to load the image after loading the data.

Rick and Morty sketch attempt