Data post

For the data sketch, I found an API from the GitHub list that listed threats to the Atlantic Puffin. There was a lot of information in there that I could use, but I really just wanted to represent the threats to the puffin in a visual way. So the information I used was the “name” of the animal and the “title” of each one of the threats. Other data included timing, scope, severity, among others, which were mostly classified as “Unknown,” which I didn’t think would fit in my sketch. I counted 17 threats listed in the API, but I only chose 9 that I thought could be represented in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Also, some threats were ambiguous and couldn’t be incorporated into the sketch, such as “Other impacts”, and “Type Unknown/Unrecorded.” In the end, I created visuals for the puffin and 9 of its threats. I placed the puffin on the left and pulled the name from the API and placed it right under. On the right side, I created 3 sets of ellipses, each of which would randomly changed into 1 of 3 different threats every time the sketch is reloaded, for a total of 9 threats.

Openprocessing link:

API Link: