Chapters 10 and 11

After reading chapters 10 and 11 I have realized how complicated I have made my coding thus far. Whenever I have an idea, I’ve never really organized it in any way. Breaking my idea into parts is a good way to simplify my idea so that it seems less overwhelming. Going from idea to parts would probably be the most difficult part for me, just because I wouldn’t know how to separate my big idea into little parts. I guess it will take some practice. Overall, I think creating some sort of algorithms with parts will make my code more organized and less overwhelming. It will also help in the debugging process.

In chapter 11 I loved reading about how everyone who does coding always has some sort of problem with bugs in their code. I honestly thought it was just me. It’s super frustrating when my code doesn’t work as intended, and then how I have to search my (unorganized) code for a bug. I guess I should probably make my code simpler and more organized. Also making comments throughout my code could be helpful as well. The troubleshooting process that they talked about in chapter 11 was really helpful.