Chapters 10 + 11

These articles were interesting to me. I have about two years of experience with Java and have competed in UIL competitions using Java, and until last semester I was majoring in Computer Science. Technically I still am since I haven’t officially filled out the major change form. Part of me revolts against the order and technicality of OOP techniques, and writing clean code when it comes to art. I can totally see the value in utilizing these techniques and how much easier it can make everything, but it does feel very technical to me. Perhaps this is why I have not used much of my prior knowledge in any of my sketches. Art feels like a different world, but in reality, you need both order and freedom of expression. There is freedom within constraints. The iPhone is beautifully designed and ingeniously programmed. Great products utilize both, and I suppose art is anything that guides us to wonder. Nevertheless, it is a challenge for me to abstract “a brush stroke”, or to create a class for each object I want to use, but I suppose it’s like a painter pre-mixing their paints to be able to use them during the painting process.