Chapter 10 and 11

Reading these chapters, I began to think about how I might want to practice planning out my code more systematically. Until the mid-term sketch, I would just throw in a bunch of ideas into a long set of main code and organize them as I am revising the code. This method worked for me because I never start my code with a clear idea of what I want to create, probably because I am still getting myself used to Processing. However, I think I should start getting in the habit of beginning object-oriented sketches with multiple classes rather than a single tab of codes since that will help me in the future when I write more complicated code.

The debugging chapter was interesting, especially the use of println(). Separating the code into smaller sections, commenting out, and testing with a new sketch are steps that I naturally followed whenever I was faced with a problem. Indicating the location, color, array and etc. is something that I should keep in mind when some objects do not appear on the sketch. Previously, when this happened, I would just copy the code for the specific object on to a new sketch and play around with it until it works.