Midterm Week 2

For my midterm assignment, I made a “Match Maker” game. I modeled it after those old Love Tester / Match Maker games that you still see in some bars. I knew I wanted the project to look super cheesy and silly, so I used a background made of a million hearts. I also wrote (mostly joking) levels for each of the bars.

My sketch has 4 classes: Bars (to draw the bars), Day (randomly named, contains all text), Lines (contains all the lines), and Rectangles (creates rectangles of random height inside the bars). At first, I didn’t understand classes, and my code was way too long to use comfortably. Once I got the hang of them, my code became easier to read and edit.

The responsiveness here is fairly simple. When you click the button, rectangles of random heights are generated inside each bar. I also added a second element just for fun — you can sort of cheat your results. When you click inside one of the bars, it creates a new red rectangle exactly the size of one of the sections. You can fill your bar up all the way if you, like me, aren’t satisfied with your results.

This project turned out pretty much exactly how I wanted it to, with the one exception being my difficulties uploading it to Openprocessing.