Midterm Project 2

For this project, I drew inspiration from my earlier Research Project on Stan Vanderbeek and Ken Knowlton. While not to the extent of their work, I wanted to produce the lighting backdrop for a DJ’s stage.

Initially, I wanted to pan the “lights” according to the mouse position on the x-axis and music as an input for the y-axis of lights. Instead, however, I used keypresses and mouse click to randomize the light. More so, the mouse-pos produces a sphere that resets with each mouse click. The mouse click also allows for small squares to be drawn in an effort to show the random lights a DJ stage would have during a show. I wanted both a mouse click and mouse press to randomize lights because it allows for quicker changes that help to create a more realistic DJ light thematic.

I ran into issues with the for loops and using specific transformations for one loop, but instead it changed for all. One aspect I would like to still add is the planning of the mouse since I think that would allow for more user engagement.
