Midterm Part 2

During the process of creating my sketch, the most successful part was discovering a way to produce a complicated object that is interesting even by itself. Also, placing rotate functions in different parts of the code ended up with a result that I didn’t foresee. There were several surprises like this throughout my process and I learned a lot from them. Overall, my original idea of making a spaceship made out of thousands of squares worked out well. I was able to add two more orbits by incorporating a separate class for the circular object, and add a starfield background by using an array. I was faced with few problems with the rotate and scale function when I started to work with more classes, but I somehow figured out ways around them. This project taught me that things work differently in Processing and Openprocessing. For example, in Processing some interactions with the keyPressed function will work only once and mess up other key interactions, while in Openprocessibg everything works as I intended. Also, the mouseWheel function works so well in Processing, but it won’t respond at all in Openprocessing. Those are the two problems that one can find in my final sketch. Finally, I wanted to add an interaction where I can add the orbits by pressing ENTER, but that never made it to my sketch because the object is not a simple eclipse but a group of recurring object that is also rotating.
