
I thought drawing the portrait was hard until I had to recreate it in processing. Compared to drawing, coding the portrait was much harder. While working in processing, there was a lot of trial and error and studying the processing website to figure out how exactly to use the functions. The biggest challenge in changing mediums was the lack of control; in processing, it was difficult to gauge where you were since the program works on a grid system. Additionally, coding anything curved or odd shaped was extremely challenging. I found making the hair the hardest part because there are a lot of different curves and hair is typically not one shade, and I had to compromise and make it one rather than doing fifty different strands and shades. Coding in processing was much more time consuming and I felt as though I was making a lot of compromises because I could not replicate my drawing perfectly.




Drawing the portrait was overall easy to do, and I tried to incorporate shapes in the portrait that would be easier to translate into Processing. Constructing the self-portrait in Processing was more difficult and also a long a process; I especially struggled with manipulating arcs. A lot of the process was also spent punching in numbers, checking to see the output, and adjusting accordingly. I probably should have planned or calculated my measurements from the start instead of guessing-and-checking, and so the measurements may be off/asymmetrical. While it was easy to draw in shapes and color them in on the paper, it was harder to fill in shapes in Processing, especially ones that were comprised of arcs.

Link to sketch: