Midterm Week 1

Over the next two weeks, I want to create a funny “Match Maker” machine. These love testers/match making machines can be found in dive bars and failed arcades across America, and I want to make a digital version. The final piece will have four bars, and they will each rise when you press a button. Because this will obviously be a joke version of the traditional machine, I will write funny descriptions for each level of the bar. I also want to create little animations that move around the machine, similar to the ones on the video I’ve shared. I tried to start them early, but I couldn’t figure out how to make hearts on Processing even after searching the web. As far as the aesthetics of the machine go, I went for as pink as possible. I have an irrepressible fondness for pastels, so I also included a light blue. As the project continues, I want to play up the campiness and make it as ridiculous as possible.

I will use click-based responsiveness and  randomization to make the bars rise. I also want to have an effect when the button is pressed, but I’m not sure what that effect will be. I will have to continue teaching myself how to work with classes in order to complete this project. I will also have to teach myself how to make hearts, because having a matchmaker without hearts is frankly a sad, sad prospect.

Video Inspiration: IMG_1152