Midterm Part 1

For this assignment, I tried taking a different approach from everyone else. By using images to convey a story, my original plan was to make a movie clip sort of to tell a story. So the idea was that a bird flying above throws an apple on a bears head a hunter notices the bear is getting too close to town so he shoots the apple on his head and then the bear runs off. So far I have the last part but not the portion where the apple is thrown on the bears head. I am not sure if it was smart going a different route relying heavily on images but will see how everyone reacts to it. The hardest part was trying to switch images changing scenes I researched for hours how to do it. Till I finally figured it out by using classes and an if statement to say what class gets displayed when. I think this use of scene change is a great example of the use of classes. Here are some images of how it looks when running properly. I was unable to load it up properly because of images not showing up errors in openprocessing.org I will be sure to upload it correctly soon.