Midterm Part 1

For my midterm project, I would like to create an interactive “Time and Space” art piece. I want to have an analog clock in the middle of the piece, with an interactive background with stars that slowly chase after the mouse. I want some stars to be moving randomly across the screen. I also want to have a larger star rotating around the clock in the opposite direction as the hands are rotating. I want this star to interact with the other stars (maybe have the smaller stars bounce off of the bigger star.

In order to have two object interact with each other, I have to learn how to show if the objects are overlapping. There will be a lot of moving parts, and many of the same type of objects, so I will be using multiple classes. One for the hands of the clock, one for the little stars that move randomly, one for the little stars the follow the mouse, and one for the bigger star. I will also need to use my knowledge of loops and statements to create these classes correctly.

For part one, I have created the frame of the pocket watch, and the moving second hand. I can use a “hand” class to create the minute and hour hands. I will have to create a star class to finish the project.

I’ve drawn inspiration from the following pictures: