Midterm 1 Part 1

Working on this project was quite fun and I felt like a real programmer for the first time. As a CS major, most of my classes consist conceptual and mathematical principles of code and this project felt more real and down to earth. I am currently working on creating the entire solar system in 3D. I plan to eventually include all the planets, shining stars in the background and hopefully the asteroid belt as well. I am still debating if I should include Pluto as a joke but I may or may not choose to do so. I made a sphere fo the planets and I plan to use other 3D components such as the camera angle for the user. Other properties of lighting will also be used for the second part of the midterm and my hope is to try and make it somewhat interactive.

Overall, I really liked working with classes. It allowed me to put everything into separate objects and allowed me to manage my code instead of having 300 lines of the same thing.
