Midterm 1

For my project, I would like to make a rain cloud that is perpetually raining. Ideally, I’d like to have the composition so that when clicked, the background flashes like a lightening storm. Additionally, lightning will flash out of the clouds. The colors will be mostly gray and black, but the background will alternate quickly between white and black to mimic lightning. I might also add sounds for the thunder, if we delve deeper into that during class. I haven’t decided yet if I would like the precipitation to just be rain, or if I will include other forms of weather like snow or possibly something even grander like a hurricane. I might add more elements to the landscape like a tree for example, since I would like to learn how to use classes in my code to generate/organize elements in my sketch. I would love to get more familiar with using loops, and would probably incorporate that to construct my rain drops iterations.

link to sketch: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/513122