Midterm 1

I am creating the magic eight ball with my code. I liked to play with these as a kid, and I thought it would be cool to recreate this on Processing. The final piece will have the user put in a question, and the ball will show the answer, randomly generated. I also want to incorporate how the eight ball actually works, having the ball shake with the answer appearing slowly on the triangle.

In order to accomplish this, I need to know how to have user interact by type. I will also  have to figure out how to shake the ball when the user inserts enter. If I am trying to accomplish more, it would be nice to figure out how to make the answers appear slowly. I already figured out how to make the user type in the question, but I am not sure how to make the ball shake when the user presses enter. One problem I faced when I uploaded on open processing is that when I type, it prints out numbers instead of the actual letters I am typing. I did not face this when I was working on it on Processing. I will have to figure out the solution by research. This will be something fun and interactive once it is finished.

Here is a link to my sketch on open processing: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/512867