Week 2 – Interaction

I paired up with Leah for this assignment and decided to make a simple puzzle that utilizes mousePressed function in Processing. I looked through the example page on the Processing website to find some inspiration for this assignment. Then I really wanted to learn how to drag objects, so I talked with Leah and decided to teach ourselves how to do that. The reference page had some instructions, but I didn’t quite get the process. Fortunately, we found a great tutorial video on Youtube, which not only had instruction on how to drag objects, but also taught us how to use set color variable that can be useful in almost all Processing sketches. The idea and fundamental skills required for the assignment were achieved successfully.

However, we soon realized that it is difficult to work in an organized manner when we have to create multiple draggable objects. Codes were longer than those of simple sketches, so it was challenging to organize them. Also after programming everything, we realized that while dragging an object, other objects will stick and follow along if we went over them. We tried to remedy the issue by narrowing down the area of an object that triggers mousePressed function. I also wanted to make a key function that would return all the objects back to their original positions, but I failed to make that happen for this assignment.
