Week 2 Interaction

This assignment was difficult but rewarding once we were able to get our program to work.  Cesar had the idea of importing an image of space with stars only as the background of our illustration. We wanted to model the solar system including the rotation of the planets around the sun. Getting the rotation of the planets around the sun was very difficult but once Cesar figured it out it was pretty easy to apply it to each of the planets. Once we did that. It was up to me to add the interactive elements. It was difficlut at first because I was reading a bunch of fancy documentation on processing website, that proved futile. I decidee to go with that as long as the mouse was getting pressed the sun would increase size and begin to change in color. This way it looked like the sun was swallowing the solar system and getting hotter. Hopefully me and Cesar could build upon this as we get more familiar with processing.