Interaction Week 2 (Jei & Leah)

Going into this assignment, the interaction I knew how to use was when mouse is pressed and having an object follow around the mouse. Jei and I talked about what more we can do, and we decided to make something that represents a simple puzzle. In order to do this, we needed to teach ourselves how to drag and drop certain shapes. We were able to find plenty of examples of this online. Our second component was the key pressed. When the up key is pressed, the colors of the rectangles and the background changes, and when the down key is pressed, the file gets saved.

The most difficult part was managing all the different size rectangles with the correct dimensions. We have 8 different rectangles, and all of them are different in size and color. We also came across with a problem with dragging the rectangles, that if one rectangle got too close to another one, they would combine. We weren’t able to fix this problem.
Although this was one of the most difficult assignments yet, I was able to learn many other interactive components of processing.

Here is the link to our sketch: