Midterm Part 1

For my midterm project, I am attempting to make an interactive portrait of the city in 3D. The idea is that the user can control the time of day through sliding the mouse from left to right (left is day, right is night). The sun eventually turns into the moon as the day ends. The user is able to create buildings by clicking, as well as streetlights by pressing a key. At the moment these functionalities have not been implemented, as I still need to create the building and streetlight class. I also would like to create clouds for the daytime and stars for the night. I drew inspiration from this sketch, this sketch, and this sketch on open processing. I have been very interested in perspective drawing lately and felt that this would be an interesting opportunity to try perspective drawing through code. I will most likely be using arrays to create star and cloud objects. I have never made anything in 3D before, so will need to learn how to render all of the shapes in 3D, as well as how to light the scene to give it more of a sense of depth. The most challenging part of this will most likely be giving the user freedom to create the buildings where they would like to, and it still looking right. Because it is a perspective drawing, the scale/size of the buildings will be different based on where they click. At the moment I plan on only allowing control in the x direction as to where the building is and the rest will be done by the computer. My code isn’t functioning correctly in open processing as it is in Processing, but here is the link:


midterm part 1

My goal is to create a unique matrix rain simulation. I have started by simulating the effect of the matrix rain using classes and random number and character creation inside of a loop the give the effect of letters falling down the screen. I still need to iron out the fading of the letters and make the “rain” more concrete but i have the basic form down. However I want to add a interaction to simulate the start of entering the matrix. it would look as if the letters have frozen and then a zoom in effect like warp drive from star wars would occur. I still do not know how to make this happen so if anyone had an idea as to how to do this it would be greatly appreciated.


Week 5 – Arrays && Collisions && GUI

In-class outline

  •  Arrays
    • What are they?
      • how are they represented in a machine
    • How to declare them
    • Initialize them (a couple ways)
    • Operating on an array
      • the slow way
      • the fast way with loops
      • example of mouse trails
    • Arrays of objects
      • many squares example
  • Interactive objects
    • overlap/hit detection – sliders
    • collision with circles

Midterm 1 Part 1

Working on this project was quite fun and I felt like a real programmer for the first time. As a CS major, most of my classes consist conceptual and mathematical principles of code and this project felt more real and down to earth. I am currently working on creating the entire solar system in 3D. I plan to eventually include all the planets, shining stars in the background and hopefully the asteroid belt as well. I am still debating if I should include Pluto as a joke but I may or may not choose to do so. I made a sphere fo the planets and I plan to use other 3D components such as the camera angle for the user. Other properties of lighting will also be used for the second part of the midterm and my hope is to try and make it somewhat interactive.

Overall, I really liked working with classes. It allowed me to put everything into separate objects and allowed me to manage my code instead of having 300 lines of the same thing.


Midterm Week 1

Over the next two weeks, I want to create a funny “Match Maker” machine. These love testers/match making machines can be found in dive bars and failed arcades across America, and I want to make a digital version. The final piece will have four bars, and they will each rise when you press a button. Because this will obviously be a joke version of the traditional machine, I will write funny descriptions for each level of the bar. I also want to create little animations that move around the machine, similar to the ones on the video I’ve shared. I tried to start them early, but I couldn’t figure out how to make hearts on Processing even after searching the web. As far as the aesthetics of the machine go, I went for as pink as possible. I have an irrepressible fondness for pastels, so I also included a light blue. As the project continues, I want to play up the campiness and make it as ridiculous as possible.

I will use click-based responsiveness and  randomization to make the bars rise. I also want to have an effect when the button is pressed, but I’m not sure what that effect will be. I will have to continue teaching myself how to work with classes in order to complete this project. I will also have to teach myself how to make hearts, because having a matchmaker without hearts is frankly a sad, sad prospect.

Video Inspiration: IMG_1152

Midterm 1

For my project, I would like to make a rain cloud that is perpetually raining. Ideally, I’d like to have the composition so that when clicked, the background flashes like a lightening storm. Additionally, lightning will flash out of the clouds. The colors will be mostly gray and black, but the background will alternate quickly between white and black to mimic lightning. I might also add sounds for the thunder, if we delve deeper into that during class. I haven’t decided yet if I would like the precipitation to just be rain, or if I will include other forms of weather like snow or possibly something even grander like a hurricane. I might add more elements to the landscape like a tree for example, since I would like to learn how to use classes in my code to generate/organize elements in my sketch. I would love to get more familiar with using loops, and would probably incorporate that to construct my rain drops iterations.

link to sketch: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/513122

Midterm Project

The inspiration for my midterm project comes from the research I did for the Research Project.  Using the work of Stan Vanderbeek and Ken Knowlton, I want to use bright, contrasting, and flashing colors to simulate and Electronic Dance Music (EDM) stage backdrop.

While I would ideally like to have the stage be mapped to an input of sound, for now I will use the keyboard and mouse.  The stage will light up according the the height of the mouse on the y-coordinate and change colors according to keys pressed. I will need to create objects and loops to print ellipses, and functions and loops in order to create the flashing and fluid motions of the colors as the user moves the mouse.

The goal of the project is to mimic the screens present at a music festival with flashings lights, whose position on the screen is based on the mouse’s locations, and colors are based on key presses.  The lights will also stretch to the location of the mount giving it a rising mountain peak look with flashing colors.     


Midterm 1

I am creating the magic eight ball with my code. I liked to play with these as a kid, and I thought it would be cool to recreate this on Processing. The final piece will have the user put in a question, and the ball will show the answer, randomly generated. I also want to incorporate how the eight ball actually works, having the ball shake with the answer appearing slowly on the triangle.

In order to accomplish this, I need to know how to have user interact by type. I will also  have to figure out how to shake the ball when the user inserts enter. If I am trying to accomplish more, it would be nice to figure out how to make the answers appear slowly. I already figured out how to make the user type in the question, but I am not sure how to make the ball shake when the user presses enter. One problem I faced when I uploaded on open processing is that when I type, it prints out numbers instead of the actual letters I am typing. I did not face this when I was working on it on Processing. I will have to figure out the solution by research. This will be something fun and interactive once it is finished.

Here is a link to my sketch on open processing: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/512867 

Midterm Part 1

For this assignment, I tried taking a different approach from everyone else. By using images to convey a story, my original plan was to make a movie clip sort of to tell a story. So the idea was that a bird flying above throws an apple on a bears head a hunter notices the bear is getting too close to town so he shoots the apple on his head and then the bear runs off. So far I have the last part but not the portion where the apple is thrown on the bears head. I am not sure if it was smart going a different route relying heavily on images but will see how everyone reacts to it. The hardest part was trying to switch images changing scenes I researched for hours how to do it. Till I finally figured it out by using classes and an if statement to say what class gets displayed when. I think this use of scene change is a great example of the use of classes. Here are some images of how it looks when running properly. I was unable to load it up properly because of images not showing up errors in openprocessing.org I will be sure to upload it correctly soon. 

Midterm Part 1

For my midterm project, I would like to create an interactive “Time and Space” art piece. I want to have an analog clock in the middle of the piece, with an interactive background with stars that slowly chase after the mouse. I want some stars to be moving randomly across the screen. I also want to have a larger star rotating around the clock in the opposite direction as the hands are rotating. I want this star to interact with the other stars (maybe have the smaller stars bounce off of the bigger star.

In order to have two object interact with each other, I have to learn how to show if the objects are overlapping. There will be a lot of moving parts, and many of the same type of objects, so I will be using multiple classes. One for the hands of the clock, one for the little stars that move randomly, one for the little stars the follow the mouse, and one for the bigger star. I will also need to use my knowledge of loops and statements to create these classes correctly.

For part one, I have created the frame of the pocket watch, and the moving second hand. I can use a “hand” class to create the minute and hour hands. I will have to create a star class to finish the project.

I’ve drawn inspiration from the following pictures: